Occupational Therapy
Susan provides Occupational Therapy treatment in the following areas:
- Balance Training
- Ergonomic Assessment/Treatment
- Mobility and Movement Enhancement
- Pain Management for Acute and Chronic Pain
- Fall Risk Assessment and Prevention Interventions
Susan is a Senior Occupational Therapist in the Staten Island University Hospital Rehabilitation Department. She serves on the Pain Task Force, is a Myofascial Specialist, teaches the Tai Chi/Yoga patient class, and assists fellow therapists treating pain.
Occupational Therapy is a client-centered health profession concerned with promoting health and well-being through occupation. The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life. It is appropriate for all ages with the activities of daily living relating to the individual’s stage of life.
"Skills for the job of living” is the motto of Occupational Therapy.